
Phishing attack detection in proxy logs
Phishing attack detection in proxy logs
Here is a video of the detection of a successful phishing attack contained in a 10 million rows anonymized proxy logs.
PentesterAcademy MACCDC 2012 DNS Challenge
PentesterAcademy MACCDC 2012 DNS Challenge
Following a really small and easy challenge published on PentesterAcademy blog focused on the MACCDC 2012 DNS dataset analysed with ELK, we thought it could be an great exercice to guide you solving it using Squey. Loading the dataset Click on the Local files... button located on the SOURCES section of the start page and browse the compressed dataset. The file format and column types will be automatically detected, so just click Yes and Save.
DFIR MONTEREY 2015 Network Forensics Challenge
DFIR MONTEREY 2015 Network Forensics Challenge
This article aims at solving the PCAP related questions from the DFIR MONTEREY 2015 Network Forensics Challenge using Squey. Of course the idea here is not to really solve the challenge as it has been solved numerous times since then, but to see how easier it is to solve it using Squey. The dataset was taken from the Netresec PCAP page. Note: questions 1 and 4 were not solved because they didn’t involve any PCAP data.